HEAR YE! HEAR YE! HEAR YE! The most wonderful evening of good food and musical entertainment will be held at the Castle of Notre Dame on Dec. 13 and 14. Ticket will be on sale soon for $40 a person for our Madrigal Dinner. All proceeds benefit the parish building fund. Enjoy a four course meal of soup, salad, entrée of roasted pork loin with sides and dessert while stepping back in time to enjoy harmonic voices singing strains of the season. Mark your calendar!
The church office is located in the brick and white house on the corner of Barton Ridge Road and Mt. Bethel Road on our Church property. You are welcome to stop by and introduce yourself or take a moment after Mass to introduce yourself to our Pastor, Fr. Joseph. Please take time to fill out a registration form. We are a very friendly parish and would like to help you feel welcome.